Complaints Policy
CCIWBS Complaints Procedure
If you are not satisfied with the service which CCIWBS provides.
Whilst most people express satisfaction with the service which we provide, on occasion an individual or organisation may feel it necessary to make some complaint about the service that is offered. We want to make sure that any complaint is heard and we have a complaints procedure which aims to ensure this.
Nature of the Complaint
Camden, City, Islington & Westminster Bereavement Service considers the following to be examples of reasonable cause for complaint:
Professional misconduct by a paid member of staff, a volunteer counsellor or a member of the management committee.
Breach of Confidentiality.
Unreasonable delay in providing the service.
Any discriminatory practice, for example, racist, sexist, homophobic behaviour.
How do I make a complaint?
If you telephone, firstly inform the Director that you wish to make a complaint.
If you are not satisfied by the Director’s verbal response you will then be asked to send full details in writing to the Director. The complaint is to be addressed to the Director in the first instance and a copy will be sent to the Chair of the management committee.
A record will be kept of all complaints. Written acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint will be sent within five working days.
You will be invited to meet with the Director, either by telephone or zoom, on an informal basis within three weeks of your written complaint. If you prefer you can communicate with the Director by email.
What happens next?
If you feel that the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved by the Director or if the complaint involves the Director and you feel unable to discuss it with them you may write to the Chair of the management committee at CCIWBS’s address, 6-8 York Mews, London NW5 2UJ. The letter and envelope should be marked private and confidential and then it will be forwarded to the Chair unopened.
The Chair will normally acknowledge your letter within five working days and respond within 28 days. During this time the Chair will consider and investigate your complaint and will answer your letter in writing. The letter will contain an invitation to meet with the Chair, by telephone or zoom, in the event of you being dissatisfied with the Chair’s written response.
If we have not heard from the complainant after a 2-month period, we will assume that the complainant is satisfies and the compliant will be closed.
What if I am still not satisfied?
If you remain dissatisfied having followed the Complaints Procedure thus far, you can ask the Chair for your complaint to be considered again by a small Review Panel consisting of other members of the management committee.
You will be notified in writing about the time and place of this meeting at least ten days beforehand so that you may attend (zoom). You will be able to bring a relative or a friend or any other representative with you if you wish.
The review panel will let the management committee know its recommendations within seven days. A special meeting of the management committee will be set up and they will let you know their decision within 28 days.